Monday, June 8, 2009

Top 10 Quotes of 2008

I am a person who loves quotes, especially motivational ones, also funny ones. Nothing picks me up faster than an encouraging message or joke. Did anyone really say anything worth quoting in 2008? Do you remember any of these quotes?

Barack Obama

"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."

Ellen DeGeneres to John McCain
(after he explained why he opposed gay marriage)

"So you'll walk me down the aisle?"
That was a little tasteless in my opinion; he has a right to his
opinion. I respect and agree with him actually.

Somali pirate- Sugule Ali

"Think of us like a coast guard."

Richard F. Syron,
Freddie Mac's chief executive

"If I had perfect foresight, I would never have
taken this job in the first place."

Robert Mugabe
President of Zimbabwe

"Only God who appointed me will remove me."

Barney Frank
Democratic Massachusetts Senator

"It's the longest Hail Mary pass in the history of either football or Marys."
He said this when McCain postponed his campaign to return to Washington to vote on a bill that would help the economy.

Dick Cheney

This was in response to him learning 2/3 of Americans
did not support the war in Iraq.
They obviously didn’t survey anyone
close to where I live.

Stephen Hawking

"I thought I'd host an end of the world party, but the media might take it seriously."
In response to fears that the Hadron Collider would destroy the planet Earth.

Hillary Clinton

"The path will be a little easier next time."
She said this after giving up her campaign to become the first woman president. I really doubt it will be any easier next time, after all Obama did not get it easily, did he?

Vladimir Putin

"They needed a small, victorious war."
He said this while claiming the U.S. Republican Party engineered the Russian invasion of Georgia to gain support during the elections.

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